Layered Paper Pastels

Saturday, June 27, 2009

“The Synchronicity Fairy”

The Artist's Way Week #3 Recovering a Sense of Power

Synchronicity, a wonderful concept! This week Julia Cameron introduces us to psychologist Carl Jung’s theory of synchronicity. It postulates that there is an underlying connection to the universe that manifests itself through meaningful coincidences. Some scientists are beginning to see a theoretical grounding for synchronicity in quantum physics, fractal geometry, and chaos theory, but personally I think it is the Synchronicity Fairy.

Somewhere along the way, I apparently grew up, lost the magic of make believe and replaced it with psychological theories grounded in quantum physics and fractal geometry. I have decided it is time to dump the scientific theories and revive my inner child’s imagination.

My inner child still holds Santa Claus as the supreme high holy synchronistic sovereign. Make a list of toys, and poof– he manifests them! The Easter bunny works pretty much the same way, he just does not get the press that Santa does. Of course part of the problem is that a basket of colored boiled eggs and chocolate is good, but cannot hold a candle to a Barbie Dream House or the blue Schwinn with a handle bar basket.

I think it is time to introduce you to my Synchronicity Fairy. She is a first cousin of the Tooth Fairy and they share many of the same characteristics. Like the Tooth Fairy the Synchronicity Fairy is stealth, preferring not to be exposed by the retail industry and blatant commercialization, unlike Santa and the Bunny. The Tooth Fairy requires I loose a tooth before I get a quarter under my pillow. The Synchronicity Fairy expects me to loose my doubts, my ego, and all of my preconceived notions before she will bestow her gifts. The Tooth Fairy only works with my eyes closed because I already know what her gifts are. The Synchronicity Fairy prefers I keep my eyes wide open and pay close attention so I do not miss a thing; her gifts are different every time.

Yes indeed, I believe I have reconnected to my inner child!

“Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”
Pablo Picasso

1 comment:

  1. I hereby invite the Synchronicity Fairy into my life!
